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Poll Chat

8th May 2022

Would ''have''..
Sorry Jay, I do apologise, even though I'm pretty much good with my dyslexia now as an adult, I didnt realise when it creeps back in on occasion it offends to the point someone has to correct me.
I'll n*snip*


Poll Chat

8th May 2022

Which is Better?
@Poll - Would of been better if it was 'sweet' or 'savoury'
My tastes have changed over the years, once upon a wolf moon, if I went out for a meal, I'd probably go main->sweet and miss the star*snip*


Filthy Old Men

8th May 2022

For me, I like to date lasses in and around my age, basically, due to it if they have kids the chances are they will be up doing their own thing and there will be no ex involved, it can be a nightmare as they are:-
A) Nowt but trouble, I went out with one*snip*


80s TV

7th May 2022

Awwww, there was some beauties wasnt there, ahhhhh... The good old days when the world didnt frown when you laughed!


Meta Quest VR

7th May 2022

I do like a bit of Beat Sabre on occasion, I modded it on my headset so I could play tracks I like... I tell you what, He's A Pirate is bloody mental:-
^ Not me... I wish though, currently my best score is just over 58000, it's solid mind, I can h*snip*


80s TV

6th May 2022

I think another thing with the 80's (And early 90's) is that, sometimes, the adverts were funnier then some of the stuff that was starting to creep up on the tele... Still remember the ''Got any dirty videos'' scotch video one...


Poll Chat

6th May 2022

Oh dont get me wrong, the ''get up and go out to work'' thing is massive too if you get my drift, like, when I do work at home, I get up at the same time and all that, so easy just to think ''I'll have another half an hour'', then you s*snip*


Poll Chat

6th May 2022

Which is Better?
Working at the Office
Working from Home
I dunno, it's nice working from home but you get distracted easily I think [Damn you online programming forums], well, I do, I've been working from home today, and, because I*snip*


80s TV

6th May 2022

:D Another one is ''Her GUI is mindblowing'' is another one...
Imagine using that as a chat up line... ''Alreet pet hew, dee yee nar what it is hew, your GUI is mindblowing hew'' :D
Still, doesnt beat mine when I was on tinder... Got sic*snip*


AGameAWeek 2022

6th May 2022

I love how you have the mice moving, no seriously, just seeing them brought a smile to my face, and I dont know why, but, aye... I like that it seems! :)


80s TV

6th May 2022

Oh aye, they loved that... T'was the same in that episode of Only Fools and Horses, with the 6128, where Del pressed a key and it cleared the screen... Basically it had a program up on the monitor, and, well, the bit to fit the scene, all it was was Ca*snip*


Pet Pics

6th May 2022

The are lush like... And Steve's Loki looks to be quite the character too, seems to have that cheeky ''wasnt me'' look! :D hehehe
In all seriousness... I'd love a dog, I miss my Stella (Border Collie), we were the bestest of mates, but, no*snip*


80s TV

6th May 2022

You missed the A-Team, Dabz. Tut Tut!
I hang my head in shame!
To make amends, I'll now go into my workshop with a length of 2x2, half a dozen scraps of plywood, a hammer with no head and a handful of old bent nails that I've s*snip*


Two Jobs

6th May 2022

If you ever need a builder, let me know... I'll get onto Qantas for a flight! ;)


Pet Pics

6th May 2022

Awwwww, though, typical dog v cat picture...
Dog: I love you dad, soooooo much, I just wanna cuddle, play and go whereever you go!
Cat: Do you know dad, one day... I'm gonna kill and eat you... One day!
It's all in the eyes! :D


Two Jobs

6th May 2022

So I've gone with the architect gig... let's hope I've made a wise choice
If you dont shoot, you'll never score! ;)
Good luck me auld bean!


80s TV

6th May 2022

There was a few... You had Dallas, Magnum PI, The Fall Guy, Knight Rider, Airwolf, Street Hawk, Cheers... The list is pretty massive really!


What Have You Done - April 2022

4th May 2022

Not much from me this month, work... Work... Then, just generally, more work, any free time, just retro gaming, slumped in my chair like a dropped omelette.
Dusted off the Quest 2 for a bit Resist action, when I could be chewed to do a bit of standy up ga*snip*


Weekend bounty

3rd May 2022

Cool! :)


Retro Price Gouging

2nd May 2022

lol, must be a sale on, here's one 7 grand more:-
At least there's free international shipping! :D


Micro$oft is killing the geeks.

2nd May 2022

This is why I've never really bothered with consoles, since... The Wii really, I never had a PS3, I had a PS4, but barely used it, it came with a Sony phone, and I never bought many games for it, either through the online store or physical.
And it&#39*snip*


BlitzAmiga - Quite a Learning Curve

1st May 2022

Note one...
Here is a tale from BlitzCoder years of old, a coder, Vic-E-Babes, did a tutorial, and bitshifting was the basis of said tutorial... And he go roasted for it... For those in the know though, his technics were a pre-emptitiv*snip*


Two Jobs

1st May 2022

I'd go for the one in which I'd be least to blame, when the company inexplicably loses billions, overnight!
My guilty conscious wouldn't let me sleep for months if that happened, even if it had nothing to do with me.
Be fin*snip*


Two Jobs

1st May 2022

Ah well, good luck, whichever way you go! ;)


What Are You Playing? - April 2022

1st May 2022

No, not really my type of game, but used to be, I mean, I loved the likes of SimCity, Theme Park/Hospital, quite enjoyed Sid Meier's SimGolf back in the day, but now I play these type of management styleeee games, I fizzle out within half and hour! :D *snip*

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