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QOTD - July 2024

26th July 2024

The Harry Potter series, currently relistening to it now on audio book.


QOTD - July 2024

25th July 2024

Locomotive BASIC on the Amstrad 464…. My Dad got me into coding from showing me the 10 liners in Amstrad Action magazine…
We couldn’t afford to buy many games, so learning to code so I could make my own games was the real reason I got into programmi*snip*


QOTD - July 2024

23rd July 2024

First time playing a VR game at the Meadowhall arcade… the headset was massive and you used a plastic gun as your controller… very simple 3d graphics but it was awesome!


CrowdStrike IT Outage

19th July 2024

We were impacted by the global Azure DevOps outage yesterday at the same time... Microsoft hasn't said yet if it was caused by Crowd strike but my money is on it ..


Spinal's PC

17th July 2024

Fair enough 😂


Spinal's PC

17th July 2024

Any luck?


Spinal's PC

16th July 2024

Maybe it's not shielded?
If you bend the cables yourself near the wifi antenna does it behave the same way? As it looks like the DP is touching the antenna with the adaptor...
If you use ethernet does it still affect your connection?


D'you Like Creation - July 2024

13th July 2024

''Mum's been having a whale of a time.''
Is she using that piano MR trainer (PianoVisionary?) in that photo?


Spinal's PC

6th July 2024

Antivirus program kicking in?


Windows ARM 2024 - Reviews

4th July 2024

So Intel and AMD have some competition!?


QOTD - July 2024

4th July 2024

Which one do you enjoy the least... Maybe drop one off...
Mine would be the daily bus trip to the city...


QOTD - July 2024

3rd July 2024

Maybe a couple from Thermodynamics… create energy without all the heat… or something lol
With all the laws of the universe we have found, I always ask why… why is the speed of limit that fast, why does gravity attract mass at that rate… etc… why*snip*


Too Hot to Bird/Cat

2nd July 2024

It was 2C this morning... First time I've seen frost here in years!


QOTD - June 2024

30th June 2024

But so many to choose from though...


They Are Watching

29th June 2024

Or maybe it's just the result of observation :D


Happy Birthday, Dan

28th June 2024



Too Hot to Bird/Cat

25th June 2024

22C... only 22C! LOL!
My ideal temperature these days is between 20 and 25C!



25th June 2024

The old PSU is fully dead, no power was being supplied to the motherboard at all, and I tried the paperclip test, nothing at all happened.
Yeah the PC has onboard as well as GPU card, yeah that’s a plan to reduce cost of a spare PSU, get a smaller watta*snip*


Too Hot to Bird/Cat

25th June 2024

I've been over in Oz now for 20 years, anything under 20C is cold! Anything under 10C is freezing!



24th June 2024

Yeah looks good, booted up today without issue...
Now when I build the new PC next month, I dont want to mess the new build with installing the old SSD/HDD to transfer the data, I normally have both PCs running and transfer the needed files/configs etc, *snip*


Too Hot to Bird/Cat

24th June 2024

How hot are we talking guys?
We went to our ''local'' beach (25km away) yesterday, it was cold and windy, think around 12C, with the wind chill knocking it down to around 8C... then it rained :D



24th June 2024

Okay did some reading... looks like it's a ''feature'' of fully module PSUs :/



24th June 2024

New PSU install.. a Corsair RM750E. Should have been a straight forward swap, but apparently the Corsair didnt like the old PSU's cables :? Never seen that before.
I had the new brand new motherboard and CPU cables installed, the new PCI cables instal*snip*



23rd June 2024

Yeah it's bad timing, but I had budgeted for both.
Last week a breaker tripped and thought nothing of it, but now I think it might have been the PSU...
It was 7 years old, first time that has happened to one of my builds...



23rd June 2024

My PC died :( hoping it’s just the PSU, I was planning on building a new one last month but held off for the new AMD CPUs…

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