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Thu, 03 Sep 2015, 11:25
A few tweaks later, and ...

Green is floor, Red is brick and the many shades of blue are the multiple (32) AI Player's paths
I'll now set about scoring the paths based on the amount of movement, and scattering objects along the paths.

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Thu, 03 Sep 2015, 13:23
That's super cool to see how it's all coming together! Nice idea using A.I. to check if the levels are possible.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 03 Sep 2015, 15:28
In the following video, you can more or less see the speed of the level generator.
Basically, the time between the main menu, and once that flickery level display shows up, (eg about 2 frames) is the time it takes to generate the level and run 32 AI players through the level.

The display is there for my test purposes only and will be removed in the final game.
Once I hit the play button, the level begins without needing to build anything else.

> Reveal 🔎
The "Best" path is chosen based on a bunch of scoring methods, and this is then used to plant the trail of coloured collectables, as well as frequent checkpoint flags.

Tomorrow I'll take some time to use the alternative paths to add spikes and other deadly objects along the way.

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Thu, 03 Sep 2015, 16:45
Wow! That's some awesome AI!
Sat, 05 Sep 2015, 06:18

Paths are in, Spikes are in, Death's in, Lives are in, EndofGame is in...
As I play, today, and Platdude gets killed and goes flailing out of the screen, spinning, I realise there's something very much missing.

I suppose I need to add some of that, next..

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Sat, 05 Sep 2015, 09:13
Get that Al fella on the go
Sat, 05 Sep 2015, 14:35
> Reveal 🔎

Sounds added. Tomorrow I attempt the music.... I think... Maybe...

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Sat, 05 Sep 2015, 18:29
Just spent a good couple of hours with the JMTrackr stuff, and have managed to integrate the old music player back into action, with string based data. Fairly complicated, I'll admit, but it does indeed at least work.
But it sounds like shit!!
I now need to piss about for the next few days trying to find a bunch of stuff, combinations of choons and instruments, that work well together.


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Sun, 06 Sep 2015, 16:19
> Reveal 🔎

Did quite a lot of rejigging, today, in order to get the engine to load different "choons", and that sort of thing. I also spent most of the day converting AL's recent Liquid AL Bum Choons over to the JMTrackr format. I've managed 8 of them, but the slower tracks didn't seem to work at all.

Currently still using the original instruments, so at the minute the resulting music isn't.. .. uurm... ...
.. but it's a start.
Tomorrow I'll fuck about trying to decide what sort of instruments work best with the engine. Chiptune-esque, synthy, or more realistic. *shrugs*

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Mon, 07 Sep 2015, 06:26
> Reveal 🔎

Music getting better. Still not perfect, but .. Better!!!

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Mon, 07 Sep 2015, 10:10
Really liking dem choons Jay
Mon, 07 Sep 2015, 15:53
> Reveal 🔎

Added weapons to the Duck-Turret. \o/yeay\o/

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Tue, 08 Sep 2015, 11:21
> Reveal 🔎

Generator : Added a few new rules to the builder's logic.. Things like "Don't stick a Duck Turret right beside a Checkpoint", and that sort of thing.

Niceness : Made the coins do a nice floaty thing, and gave the checkpoint a "Checkpoint" thing, too.

Music : Haven't tweaked that, today, but other random elements have conspired to ensure that today's music sounds .. bad! I think I'm going to have to define a few "Don't use these instruments together" rules.

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Tue, 08 Sep 2015, 17:12
Damn... Just got the player stuck in a small hole, surrounded by solid blocks..

Possible solutions.
A) Rewrite a fuckton of the level generator to avoid that in future.
B) Mario-esque breakable when hit from below..

... Hmm.. I might go for B, see where that takes me.

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Wed, 09 Sep 2015, 05:30
Feel free to give it a try, if you're on OUYA.
Https://SoCoder.net/o1.html (most recent test)

1. I need to swap throw and jump buttons, and preferably add an option for that.
2. Solid blue objects tend to disappear completely from view. D'oh! (TVs are dark!!)
3. I could do with pre-hidden-drawing all the sprites, to stop it from doing that annoying "oh.. You wanted me to DRAW that?!" bollocks that Android frustratingly does. I'll probably add a titlescreen to each level, and shove the pre-draw things on there.

1. Very little of the artwork has been drawn, so all the levels look damn near identical, graphics wise, other than colourschemes and the sandy floor.
2. Only "default" enemies are in. And only "Difficulty 0" is playable.
3. Bats, when "Sphered" and collected, will burst into blocks of ice!!
4. Music's still a bit shit.
5. There is no ending. When you reach the end of the level, it's just a great big chasm!!
6. If there's a large pile of blocks, you can usually jump "into" the top corner brick.. I haven't got around to fixing that, yet!!

Lemmie know, if you try it, how well you get on.

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Thu, 10 Sep 2015, 13:09
> Reveal 🔎

Today's Improvements
Continued music engine tweaks. I need to try to get the timing a little more accurate, now, I think...
New level loader. Swooshy and swoopy, the first two frames the level is built, then over the course of the next 30 or so frames, all the level's sprites are loaded, and then drawn offscreen, so that bloody Android devices load them into gfx memory properly.
.. Then it's just a delay for the sake of a delay.
I'm going to see about generating level names, next, and add that to the screen, too.

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Thu, 10 Sep 2015, 17:14
That is coming on in leaps and bounds!
Fri, 11 Sep 2015, 05:47
A small selection of possible level titles..

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Fri, 11 Sep 2015, 13:24
> Reveal 🔎

A quick test of a few things.
1) The new Level Title Generator
2) The new End of Level Goal thing
3) That the game can cycle through 3 "acts" per "zone"

All seems good!

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Sat, 12 Sep 2015, 14:20
Level Select Concept.. Let's see how well this goes when it comes to displaying it all onscreen!! :\

Worlds are displayed on the menu. Pick a world, and it splits into 5 zones, each with 3 levels.

Complete any 5 levels in a world to unlock nearby worlds.
Complete all 15 levels to "complete" the world.

World XXXX suggests there's going to be worlds 1 through to 9999. Each one with 15 levels.. So, um.. 149,985 levels..?
Sure, it's no infinite calendar of levels, but it's as close as we're going to get, I think..

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Sun, 13 Sep 2015, 12:55
Damn, doing menus takes too frickin' long!
I've STILL not started on the secondary "Select Zone from World" bit of the menu, but at least the "Select a World from the fucktons of worlds" menu is coming together nicely.

I've reused the "Generate Planet" tool that I created for Platdude in Space, so the world style should look somewhat familiar. Over those are a new 15-segment ring, with each of the 15 segments being a level within the world.
Complete a level, and a segment lights up. The slightly brighter, greener, fuller ring is there to suggest a fully complete world.
(Note : Those are entirely fictional values, at the minute!!)

Next up, locking and unlocking nearby worlds.

So much to do!!!!

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Sun, 13 Sep 2015, 16:45
Still looks purty though
Mon, 14 Sep 2015, 14:35
> Reveal 🔎

Still using fake "Levels complete" numbers, since I need to get the menu working in order to get into the levels, in order to test the numbers properly on the menu that doesn't work yet!! Complicated stuff!

Anyway, as stated earlier, each world has 5 zones, and each zone has 3 levels.
Right now you can select a world, and it'll open up. This is where the 5 zones will appear, but.. .. they don't yet!
That's a task for tomorrow.

Then I'll strip out the fake scores and test whether my scoring stuff actually works properly.

Once all of that's in place, it'll be time to start forming level styles, and making things a bit more playable again.

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Tue, 15 Sep 2015, 04:50
Bloody laptop battery!
Well, I got the zone selection screen working, and tested with super-short levels to see if it all held up, and indeed the new menu seems capable and working properly.
I was halfway through recording a video when the bloody battery died.

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Tue, 15 Sep 2015, 07:11

View on YouTube

Select a world, select a zone, play 3 levels or die trying!
.... * 5 zones per world * 9999 worlds!

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Tue, 15 Sep 2015, 12:47

As seen on iPad!
The Buttons on the bottom right seem to work fairly well, but the analogue slidey thing on the left (invisible!) isn't quite right.
I've got it set to "Slide to move" but it's not quite fast enough. Instead I'll have to set a dedicated mid-point.
.. But.. Yeay! Working!!

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