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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 14 May 2008
System : Windows

ZIP files!!

OK, This is one of the many things about stupid people who zip something then rar it then f*cking tar it, then some other sh*t, what the hell do they do that for!?!? once its compressed, that's it you're not going to get much else out of it, in some cases you're even going to make the file larger! Why do they think the end user wants to inzip the thing 5 times before using it! I want to personally go to these peoples houses and give them a good slap (punching them in the face would be no where near humiliating enough, it would have to be a slap) for being so dumb.



Wednesday, 14 May 2008, 17:28

I can understand the newsgroup idea of doing the Par/Rar thing. That makes sense, especially with the fact that the pars do a heck of a good job.
And, I guess I can kind of understand that the person might have a .zip file, and go "Might as well Par/Rar it"..
That makes sense..
A little.

But when you get important companies posting .zip files for download, you download the .zip, and all it contains it a single self extracting .exe install file.
Now that's just plain dumb...
Wednesday, 14 May 2008, 17:35
But why would you...

have your stuff in a folder, zip the folder, perhaps at max compression, then think, I'll rar it also, why not rar the thing in the first place and save me having to expand the thing twice, not only that, I either have to extract it somewhere both times, or have more than one winrar window open cos it deletes the temp file when closed and kills the second file so I cant extract it.

I think then next thing I release will be zipped twice, one time being a multi part archive, then tar it, then rar it. Just to make my point. And give it personally to anyone who has zipped something a million times inside the same archive.
Wednesday, 14 May 2008, 17:38
I think the exe-in-a-zip that Jay complained about there is because organisations and companies always have useless antivirus and security policies where you're not allowed to download/upload .exes, but you may be allowed a .zip if you're lucky...

Like he said, dumb!

Nothing wrong with a .tar.* though, as a tar doesn't compress anything. (although you'd be right about .tar.Z.gz.bz2 being stupid)
Thursday, 15 May 2008, 17:32
One screwy thing i've seen is a multipart zip in a single file... what the F***! isn't the idea of splitting a zip so that each file is easier to download? Wouldn't combining them into one file defeat that purpose?

I hate, also, the whole EXE within the zip file, but it's as me and a friend coined "the microsoft airport"

Security: YOU! HALT! You can't carry that bomb onto the airplane!
Person: What if i put it in my briefcase
Security: That's fine! Move along.
Thursday, 15 May 2008, 18:33
@ mog
Security: YOU! HALT! You can't carry that bomb onto the airplane!
Person: What if i put it in my briefcase
Security: That's fine! Move along.

I once zipped a 1-gig file (I know, huge) and it took two friggin' hours and when I came back to see the finished product, it was 2-gig. omg....
Thursday, 15 May 2008, 21:51
Orion Pax
Wow Tiki...what kind of file were you trying to zip? I know certain files dont compress very easily.

Let me guess.....you zipped up a self extracting rar file?
Friday, 16 May 2008, 18:55
There's actually a reason for splitting a zip/rarparts.. though i agree that i don't like it:

The reason is because of torrenting & because of linux. A lot of linux users are using FAT32 which has a filesize limit of 4GB, so if you had a movie ripped as a DVD iso, which is 4.7GB, you couldn't store the whole file. So, it is split into parts. Further, if you have a linux seed box, you may only download a portion of the file/keep a small portion of the file to seed with. There are a decent number of torrenters that will have a separate "seed box" that is old and running linux, and its mainly to accomodate them.
Sunday, 18 May 2008, 13:19
Consider this: 7zip produces smaller .7z archives, and is free, so one could use that. Unfortunately, few people have 7zip, so one must distribute a self-extracting .exe. But then sites do not allow you to upload .exes *cough* SoCoder *cough*, so one must put 7zip SFX inside zip archive. Set to store only, overhead of doing this is small, in fact the final file is usually (somewhat) smaller than compressing the same data to .zip format with 7zip.
Sunday, 18 May 2008, 14:03
But my main complaint, is when you download a huge file, that, once you open the zip file, you get a multiple part rar (or similar). That is my main rant.
Tuesday, 20 May 2008, 06:11
flying_cucco, thanks! I just downloaded 7zip (I never realised it was open source - no more nag screens!!!) and the .7z compression just blows everything else out of the water.

A 20MB folder full of exes, images and text came out as a 10MB .7z, compared to a 14MB .rar - that's a heck of a difference when you're waiting for something to download - and about three minutes difference if I wanted to upload it!