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Socoder -> VR Gaming -> Meta Quest 3

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Fri, 19 Apr 2024, 18:39
Very cool!
Sun, 18 Aug 2024, 06:06
So my wife had her first “when vr meets reality “ moment today, we were playing Dungeons of Eternity and she only bash her hand against the fridge when attacking a skeleton !!

I’ve since reduced her boundary quite a bit, she has a nasty bruise on her knuckle!

Also Horizon World has finally been released in Australia! And it’s pretty good!
Sun, 08 Sep 2024, 07:46
Today, 3 years after I bought the Quest 2, 3 years after I bought Synth Riders, 1 year after I upgraded to the Quest 3.
Mum FINALLY had her first go of Synth Rider, today!
And she LOVES it!!!!

"I don't need to exercise" she kept saying.
Finally did it!

She can't yet complete a track, but she got about 2 minutes into LeBrock - Interstellar on easy mode, but she really enjoyed playing it.
.. over and over and over and failing and not doing well, but still enjoying it.

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