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Tue, 15 Sep 2015, 13:36

A few tweaks later, and the controls are working wonderfully on touchscreen!
Here's a screengrab, just as I've unlocked worlds 2 and 4!!
Ooooh, excite!!!

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Wed, 16 Sep 2015, 13:34

Look out!
Unfinished Artwork Enemy!!!


The engine's now selecting from a variety of enemy groups, and level themes, and giving all the levels varying difficulties and lengths, but importantly, redoing the same set of variables if you ask for the same level twice!!
Unfortunately, I haven't coded more than the first set of enemies, and I've got loads of drawing to do for the tilesets. I've also got a bunch more tiles that I haven't yet implemented into the engine.

Lots more work to do!
In fact.. I've barely started..

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Wed, 16 Sep 2015, 15:14
Organised 6 full groups of enemy. 7 enemies per group = 42 baddies in total.
There's a few old baddies that are going to get left behind in the shuffle, such as Squishy who doesn't seem to fit anywhere, and Bad Santa who only appeared on Xmas day.
I might try to work them back in, at a later point, but for now 42's a nice enough number.
I've already given all 6 "Turret" types their own specific rules. Each of the 6 has it's own mildly different throwing style, and the resulting difficulties in avoiding their projectiles makes for a nice set of differences.

I've left it there, for tonight.
Tomorrow I'll work out the powerup abilities for the turrets (they'll probably all be fairly similar.... Shoot for a bit!!) and then move on to the next category of enemy.

It's working out nicely

... Although, I have used up all the boss characters as default ones, so if I want bosses, I'm going to have to get doodling some new ones.. Dum-dum-durrrrr..

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Sun, 20 Sep 2015, 12:21
I... Like My Hat!
It's a very happy hat.
On my head, look, it's sat!
Even sits upon my cat.

Really nice, lovely hat.
Bright and shiny, large and fat.
Pull the string, Makes a snap.
On my head it stays with that.

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Thu, 24 Sep 2015, 16:00
Trying to fix up, recompile and upload 42 games to Ouya and PlayJam has taken it's toll on NeonPlat Adventures.
However, over the past few days I've at least managed to come up with a bunch of arty changes to vaguely illustrate the different world themes.
I've got 7 in there, now, and nothing's too garish. (*I think!)
Each theme has it's own set of level generation rules, so some are wide and vast, whilst others thin and cramped.
.. ... To be honest, that's about as varied as it gets!
But, hey, at least it's something.

Couple that with the new batch of music (There's now 14 melodies for the game to choose from) and things are slowly but surely coming along.

I need to add more hats, though!

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Sat, 26 Sep 2015, 14:38

One of the newer themes, along with PumpkinHead enemy, and you can just about see the red floor at the bottom of the screen.
Alt-Floor crumbles away.. Huzzah!

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Sun, 27 Sep 2015, 01:02
That's looking schweet! Reminds me I need to get out of my funk and get back into the coding!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 27 Sep 2015, 13:43
About time I gave this project a title..
I never intended to have it be "NeonPlat Adventures 2" because people would keep going "Where's the first one?"
So, instead I've been pondering what else I could call it.

Since the game's full of planets, and zones, it seemed logical to give it a space-ish title, and "Cosmic" has been bubbling about in my head for a few days.
Cosmic Quest, Cosmic Journey, Cosmic Adventure...

Adventure was settled upon, late last night, and I set about trying to draw a curvy logo to fit around the planet.
And that's pretty much how far I got, last night.

I hunted through the net to find a nice "Curved text" renderer, and tried about half-a-dozen before going "Screw this, I'll just do it my bloody self!!"

I wrote a font-renderer tool to take a .ttf font, create a new "outline only" font from it, render it in different colours with "glow" added.
Then I bundled the "logo font" into the engine, and set about curving it my bloody self.

The results are really quite nice, and I'm mostly happy with it, although I might try some alternate fonts to see how they look.

Vine Clip Job's a good'un!

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Mon, 30 Nov 2015, 15:36
*checks calendar*

Oops, bit of a gap, there!!
In the interim, I've been busying away fixing up all 42 of my OUYA games, as well as creating 26 mini-ish games for Beta Collexion, and also rebuilding my framework ready for 2016's return to proper AGameAWeek schedule..
Yikes, that's a whole lot of stuff to be doing!

As it turns out, it's TOO much stuff to be doing, alongside a project like this, so NeonPlat's Cosmic Adventure has more or less taken a back seat since September.

Tonight I finally got around to adding the last of the hats into the game, and over the past week or so have been tweaking little things, here and there.
The game's coming along nicely, and is *almost* ready for human consumption, but..

..... There seems to be something missing.
I've not yet added in any big-evil end-of-level baddies, and the game feels somewhat amiss, not having them there.

Tomorrow I'll see if I can figure something out, for that.
Since I've already used all my Big-Evil-Bosses as normal characters, it means I'll have to come up with something slightly different at the end of the levels.
Hopefully I can come up with something, but I have a feeling my solution will be to take a random character and just make it bigger!!!

... Yup, that sounds like my sort of plan!

We'll see..

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Sun, 06 Dec 2015, 13:42
If anyone would like to test this game, in it's current condition, you can do so here.
NPCA_Test 9.3mb!

Give the game a go. I think I'm pretty much done with it, but would like a second opinion, or two, or three..

Controls should be obvious enough..
Z is Throw and "Back" in the menu.
X is Jump and "Forward" in the menu.
Left and right are movement.
(Note, this is the polar opposite of what my menu buttons usually are.. It just seemed to work better, in this game!!)

Post any and all thoughts..
Thanks for playing!

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Sun, 06 Dec 2015, 14:03
I needed to grab an OpenAL32.dll to run it, but about from that it plays pretty well
Sun, 06 Dec 2015, 20:15
It works on my laptop. No slowdowns. Was confused by the controls. Maybe a tooltip would be useful.

I have no idea what to do in the game. I killed a couple of baddies. Level seems hard to navigate. I fell to my death a number of times.
Sun, 06 Dec 2015, 22:32
Runs fine here!

Looks pwetty too... Like my, erm, toes were!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 07 Dec 2015, 01:20
Pakz Was confused by the controls.


I ripped the controls directly from NES Mario.
Left and right to move, and then "The leftmost button" to throw and "The rightmost button" to jump.
You can switch this in the options menu (pause the game, spinny cog thing) to be "Leftmost = Jump, Rightmost = Throw", but when I originally tried it that way around, I found it even more "wrong".

It's weird, though, because that's the way I typically had it in the older NeonPlat games.
I think I've just been playing too much actual-Mario, lately!

The controls will (*should*) grow on you, and the option's there to switch it. That's as much as I can do.

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