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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Weird Dreams?

Thu, 06 May 2010, 10:30
I had a quite weird dream a couple of nights ago, it went something like this...

I was at the local £1 store, where someone was complaining about a pair of socks that they had bought because they weren't the 3D ones. So I had a look where the socks were and wouldn't you know, they had 3D socks, two for £1!
A bargain I thought, so I picked up two pair and went to pay for them. The cashier then tried to charge me £9.50 for them, so I had an argument about these being the two for £1 ones and not the other ones. Anyway, upon getting home and watching them (sadly I can not remember the exact method used for watching 3D socks), the first was a sort of landscape/valley fly-through, sort of what you'd expect of cheap 3D socks, I was unhappy because I had already seen this one. Then for some reason I went somewhere (can't remember) and came home to find my house (which for some reason wasn't my real house) had bee broken into and my TV and VCR had been stolen, first I got all worried that I had left the front door unlocked, but my worrying was for nothing, as they had actually got in by throwing a wheelie bin through the living room window. Cue alarm clock...

Anyone got a better one? or at lease any idea how you would get 3D socks? All I can think of in my waking state is that maybe one was red and the other blue, but that's just silly.

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Thu, 06 May 2010, 13:25
I don't know about the rest of you, but most of my socks are three-dimensional. I have a tendency to not remember my dreams two minutes after waking up though, so off the top of my head there's nothing.
Fri, 07 May 2010, 09:28
I keep having these dreams about trains going through tunnels. Do you think it means anything?

(P.S. Yes, I am kidding)

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Fri, 07 May 2010, 11:31

A dream about 3D socks ?... Sounds like a rather cheezy one to me
Sat, 08 May 2010, 04:30
I usually have dreams about games, or at least some aspect related to games. Sometimes I tell my wife what I dreamed and she's like "all you ever dream about is games", so I end up keeping them to myself.

I usually only remember a small part of my whole dream, to the point that I can barely describe them. Last night I was traveling through a hilly area somewhere, looking for things or something, no idea what, and... that's about all I can piece together.

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Sat, 08 May 2010, 06:37
I only have dreams about missing assignments or forgetting to attend a class for an entire semester. I think they're called nightmares, but it's always confusing because I have a hard time telling what's real and what's not when I've just woken up.
Sat, 08 May 2010, 07:24
Cower I only have dreams about missing assignments or forgetting to attend a class for an entire semester. I think they're called nightmares, but it's always confusing because I have a hard time telling what's real and what's not when I've just woken up.
I get similar to this. Dreams of real life things, people and places, and as a result I'm confused when I first wake up.
Sat, 08 May 2010, 16:41
I have a hard time with that too, usually when I'm falling asleep. My wife has heard me say some pretty strange things!

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