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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 13 January 2007

Links Of The Day #2

Yay! ;-)

The privitisation of the UK health service begins... Damnation!

Tsunami troubles - 2.3 metre waves... By the way people reckon Swansea might get hit by one if a certain volcano goes off, and the waves are in the hundreds of metre levels, which is quite a bit bigger.

Bill Gates says stuff - Maybe he's arguing the need for Open Source microsoft?

Mad tattoo-ing Welshman

"Silly" Cisco vs Apple iPhone lawsuit - if someone sues you, call them "silly"

$100 laptop

UK gov making their data free - Wowie, that sounds cool.

Second Life goes Open Source



Saturday, 13 January 2007, 11:21
power mousey
hey hoboben,

with the iphone lawsuit,its the Battle of the MegaCorps. Like I said in another earlier topic response: Battle of the Megacorps
Battle of the MegaCorps: a real life based Strategy simulation game. Coming very soon. No, wait!, sorry held up due to a lawsuit cause of the trademards.. Another lawsuit of the continuing Battle of the MegaCorps.

time to put on my tin foil hat again. I got it and its strapped on. ahhhh. Thats better.
Now, with the UK government making data free. WEhat types of data and how much of it is going to be free? And how much of this free data been edited or even shredded?
And who is really going to benefit and even profit from this free data? And why and for what plans and purposes?
How will this impact privacy and citizenship rights!??
Almost everyones data will be opened to everyone else. Opening more of the doors now...

I...I take my foil hat off and place the tin back in the lead box.

Mad tattoing!? Yikes!! If and when this person ever wants to remove them its going to be plenty painful for him and his pocketbook too. Mousey almost got a tattoo. Seriously and almost. I was going to get a tattoo on my right arm. And at the time and some years ago my arms were much bigger and stronger due to lifting weights. But, I was going to get a tattoo of Thor and his hammer...Mjolnir.
One of my friends talked me out of it. I'm glad he did. true
Saturday, 13 January 2007, 12:25
I think that the Government data is just things like maps, research, laws, etc... data that was mainly public before, but either had to be paid for or couldn't be reproduced.

I think the implications are that people just get to use and reuse the data freely, so the benefiters are perhaps people like you and me who can freely use data, rather than big corporations who could afford to pay for the data.

Anyway, I hope Apple win their lawsuit because the idea of suing over the letter "i" before a generic word like "phone" is stupid, but I hate corporations (or megacorperations) in general... And I'm not getting an iPhone anyway. Apple make nice computers though Maybe we should take Apple into public ownership as part of the revolution.
Saturday, 13 January 2007, 19:27
power mousey
but Hoboben,

can this open the door to data...other data and confidential data...to be revealed and sold to others.
um....put on your tin foil hat again. Walk to the equatorial corner of your room and zoom and phase into that certain frequency range. Good!
Now, why would the government be doing this in the first place? Gotta be more reason and purposes besides the public good. Oh yeah, we want to be a more open and honest society.
Yeah, true but more open and honest on other people and with their records and data. true. Again, another crack or swing of the door opening...
But in a similar fashion...companies can take this data and use it to manipulate it and seel it as well. Just like coug cough open source too. But thats another topic and tangent. But used this tangent to discuss another insight and implication...probably. true.
You may now turn off your phased frequency ranges and place your tin foil hat back in the secured lead safety box.

I don't know myself who is going to win this lawsuit. And I hope Apple does. And like you, I'm not getting an iphone either. oh wait, yes, the FCC is investigating Steve Jobs too.
But hey, I think the Woz is just shaking his head and laughing. The Woz-->Steve Wozinak. Long live the Woz and the Apple IIe and IIc home computers.