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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD : Crrrraazzeee Spam!!

Thu, 09 Oct 2008, 09:56

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 09 Oct 2008, 10:29
Orion Pax
I have had one that didnt even have words. It was just a bunch or random text and numbers. My guess it was code for a trojan or virus.
Thu, 09 Oct 2008, 11:41
Either that, or one of your friends was extremely drunk. Maybe they need goggles?
Thu, 09 Oct 2008, 13:03

On another note, blanko might be able to translate it. He's claimed to be very talented with Engrish.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 09 Oct 2008, 15:37
Yup.. Looks like a scammer website.. Somewhere to just grab your email addy and flog it to all who are willing to pay..

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 09 Oct 2008, 15:53
Aw man...now I wish I had saved some of my best spam. One in particular was about James Bond's penis. It was really detailed.

My Twitter
Thu, 09 Oct 2008, 15:56
Thu, 09 Oct 2008, 19:19
One of my lecturers made an article on some spam he got. It was an e-mail from his bank asking him to go to a website and reinput his details. But in the url to the site they had called it 'Natwest Scam'.
Fri, 10 Oct 2008, 06:04
blanko1324 Aw man...now I wish I had saved some of my best spam. One in particular was about James Bond's penis. It was really detailed.

Shaken, but not stirred .
Fri, 10 Oct 2008, 18:27

Stupidest spam?

Not eating the fat free spam.
Or perhaps eating a lot of spam.

um, sorry.
Stupidest spam that I received.
"Pet nail clippers for your doggie or kitty."
And the picture of the stupid slobbering dog and the arrogant in your face picture of that cat. ughhhh!!