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Socoder -> Wednesday Workshop -> WW - #248 - The Duck Challenge

Tue, 20 Sep 2016, 23:33

#248 - The Duck Challenge

The Challenge

This week's challenge is all for the love of Ducks.
Make games with Ducks!
Maybe a whole group of ducks?
Perhaps just one duck.
However many ducks, ensure there's at least one.

Get coding, and go quackers! (*sorry!)

The Time

Wed 21st September -> Wed 28th September 2016
You have until this timer hits zero to complete your entry. For the record, that's Tue/Wed, midnight GMT*. (Although that's more frequently becoming "When I bother to wake up, on a Wednesday morning")

Rule Number One

Blitz3D, BlitzPlus, BlitzMax. It doesn't matter which.
All three are freely available from BlitzBasic.com, so you've no excuse.
These languages are chosen because their resulting .exe's tend to "Always work" (as proven by the fact that all our old Workshop entries still work!!)

For the sake of simplicity, try to stick with those.

I won't complain if you use something else, but if the end result doesn't work for people, you've only got yourself to blame!

Rule Number Two

Wednesday Workshop is a fun and silly "Jam"-like event.

It's not meant to be a competition.
It's just for fun.
The best technique is to try to stick to a short schedule for building the actual game. If you have more time during the week, build the game up, fix bugs, add music/titles, whatever.

Additional Rules

You're free to reuse. Functions, Art, Sound, Music, anything that can be crammed into the game to help speed up your dev-time, and make it look like you spent more time on it than you actually did!

If you'd like, you can use the mini Blitz3D template/framework which I recently cobbled together.
Stick your name and game's title at the top, then leap to the bottom where you can code your game. Simple'ish!

Other than that, the main coding for each week's task should be pretty much created within the time allocated.
Remember that this is for fun, not for any major awards or anything!

If you use other people's art/sound/functions, give credit where credit's due.

To enter, post your game below. If you can't find anywhere decent to host it, send it to Jayenkai@Gmail.com

Additional rules are available here.

Suggest a Workshop

If you'd like to suggest a future Wed.Workshop, you can do so here

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 26 Sep 2016, 08:00
Well, had a couple of hours to since this popped up, so I've only gone and spent them on this challenge!


Yep, it's an LCD stylee game. Not much effort required. Which was good, as not much time was available.

Anyhoo, download from HERE

Yes, I know the hi-score doesn't save, but honestly, if someone load and plays the game more than once I'd be surprised!
Mon, 26 Sep 2016, 12:56
First Ever wednesday workshop challenge, had so much hopes but ran outa time... here she is:


Rockford, I made it to level 2 of your game - Kool and the Gang styling by the way - its been about 30 odd years since I'd a go on one of these:

Happy coding!
Mon, 26 Sep 2016, 13:24

LOL at your nihilistic ending A novel firing control scheme there.

You have got an extra day to get this completed BTW
Mon, 26 Sep 2016, 13:56
Today was my last day off post knee surgery 7 weeks ago, suspect I might be wearified after my 1St 10 hour day in a while.... So I got it in early The balls were gonna be something else and the ducks were gonna drop eggs, maybe in duck Invaders II. Good fun though, thx to Jay for the template

Happy coding!
Tue, 27 Sep 2016, 00:51
24 hours to get your games done..
Get to it, guys!!

... blimey.. 2 WW entries, and neither of them are mine!! Not seen that in YEARS!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 28 Sep 2016, 03:02
Hmm.. I forgot to add this into the instructions.
Wed.Workshop entries should refrain from posting "setup .exe" files.

I don't know what your setup is setting up, and frankly I don't want to know.
At the end of the day, I don't want to sit here, week after week after week, installing more and more gubbins onto my system, when I know fully well that it's all been coded in Blitz, and should be as easy as unzip+run.

Simply zip it in a normal zip, and all is well.

The "entry" door will be left available until you've done that.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 29 Sep 2016, 09:58
Uploaded the file in a zippyity zip file.

This is the link to it here:-

duck invaders

Happy coding!
Fri, 30 Sep 2016, 07:47
Jay, do I need to email it to you instead of just uploading and providing a link to it? Cheers.

Happy coding!
Fri, 30 Sep 2016, 07:52
I'll get to it in a bit. Having a "family visitors" day!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 30 Sep 2016, 11:56
Gotya, my closest immediate family is 300 miles away

Happy coding!
Sat, 01 Oct 2016, 11:37
Finally got round to this, sorry about the wait.
Sat, 01 Oct 2016, 12:56
Kool and the Gand, cheers Jay, you've a great site here that inspired me to code my first B3D invaders game

Happy coding!