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Socoder -> Wednesday Workshop -> WW - #247 - The Automated Challenge

Wed, 14 Sep 2016, 05:03

#247 - The Automated Challenge

The Challenge

This week, let the player lay the foundations.
Make the ingame character rely entirely on AI, but have the player interact with the world, or occasionally point the AI in the right direction, in order to make the AI do certain things and hopefully complete the game.

A rat in a maze.
An AI car in a race.
A game of Lemmings.

Anything where you don't have complete control over what the "player" does next.

The Time

Wed 14th September -> Wed 21st September 2016
You have until this timer hits zero to complete your entry. For the record, that's Tue/Wed, midnight GMT*. (Although that's more frequently becoming "When I bother to wake up, on a Wednesday morning")

Rule Number One

Blitz3D, BlitzPlus, BlitzMax. It doesn't matter which.
All three are freely available from BlitzBasic.com, so you've no excuse.
These languages are chosen because their resulting .exe's tend to "Always work" (as proven by the fact that all our old Workshop entries still work!!)

For the sake of simplicity, try to stick with those.

I won't complain if you use something else, but if the end result doesn't work for people, you've only got yourself to blame!

Rule Number Two

Wednesday Workshop is a fun and silly "Jam"-like event.

It's not meant to be a competition.
It's just for fun.
The best technique is to try to stick to a short schedule for building the actual game. If you have more time during the week, build the game up, fix bugs, add music/titles, whatever.

Additional Rules

You're free to reuse. Functions, Art, Sound, Music, anything that can be crammed into the game to help speed up your dev-time, and make it look like you spent more time on it than you actually did!

If you'd like, you can use the mini Blitz3D template/framework which I recently cobbled together.
Stick your name and game's title at the top, then leap to the bottom where you can code your game. Simple'ish!

Other than that, the main coding for each week's task should be pretty much created within the time allocated.
Remember that this is for fun, not for any major awards or anything!

If you use other people's art/sound/functions, give credit where credit's due.

To enter, post your game below. If you can't find anywhere decent to host it, send it to Jayenkai@Gmail.com

Additional rules are available here.

Suggest a Workshop

If you'd like to suggest a future Wed.Workshop, you can do so here

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 15 Sep 2016, 08:46

Bit stumped for this one.
Thu, 15 Sep 2016, 09:13
I'm going for something that has a bit of a ChuChuRocket vibe, in that you place tiles on the floor to direct the character to the exit.

.. I think.. If I can get a level generator to work for it!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 15 Sep 2016, 10:26
Vague screenshot of level generator's progress, so far.

I'm not 100% sure it'll work out, yet, since I need to add the player into the mix, but so far it seems to be lining up with what I'm imagining in my head!!

And, no.. It isn't another bloody Snake game!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 15 Sep 2016, 10:47
I honestly thought of a ChuChu Rocket type game, but I did one a few years ago. I've done Lemmings too, so won't redo that either.
Fri, 16 Sep 2016, 11:40
Tonight I started to integrate the "Player".
The player will be used to move blocks around the level, which block the path of the "Bot" creatures. (Still haven't started art'ing, yet, no idea what the characters may end up being!!)

I had to go back into the level generator and rejig it to ensure the player's able to navigate the entire arena, as well as placing four boxes that he/she can use to block the paths of the bots.

Hopefully it all works out!
I'm also having to consider how to "Stop/Start/Reset" the level. I may end up making that all into "Button 2", since "Button 1" will be "Hold the block to push/pull it"
So much to think about.

Usually, by this point in an AGameAWeek/Wed.Workshop project, the player's already as fully formed as they need to be.
It's strange to find myself only just contemplating their controls, long after getting the base of the game working!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 16 Sep 2016, 12:06
I've got an idea, but probably no time to put it into practice.
Sun, 18 Sep 2016, 03:06
Imagine Lemmings with a ninja, only different. That'll hopefully be my entry.
Sun, 18 Sep 2016, 03:39
I've not made any progress on my game since Friday..
Saturday was a bit of a crap day!!
Hopefully I can get everything done, today.
*fingers crossed*

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 18 Sep 2016, 05:27
Project Abandoned

Over the course of the past few hours, I've overcomplicated this game so much in my mind, that even a basic level is convoluted and baffling!!

I don't have time to scale it back and fix up the game to what it originally was, and so will be scrapping it.

Bah, humbug!

If you've any suggestions for the next WW (so that I don't go completely crazy with my own ideas!!) pop them here.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 18 Sep 2016, 06:59
Pac-Man 2 for Genesis/MD or SNES would be the prime example of this type thing.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Mon, 19 Sep 2016, 01:27
Very early WIP screenie, showing in-game in-action

The cursor is used to place blocks on the screen to enable the constantly moving ninja to complete his task. Only a limited number can be placed before the old ones are removed.

There are only two types of blocks (LMB and RMB), but each can be used in a number of ways. Well, they will be if I get enough time to get them working how I want!
Mon, 19 Sep 2016, 01:30
Good luck!
Tue, 20 Sep 2016, 05:11
My game is progressing nicely, and I'm enjoying the coding and testing, but it's not going to be ready for tomorrow.

There are still loads of collision bugs and stuff not working, so I've decided that this won't be a one week game, but will be ready when it's ready.

Here's a vid to show the game in action. FRAPS seems to have fecked up the mouse pointer, but the in-game cursor is that square. Sorry the video is fuzzy and half-speed.

View on YouTube
Tue, 20 Sep 2016, 06:58
Looks fun
Tue, 20 Sep 2016, 10:03
Cheers. It is BTW
Tue, 20 Sep 2016, 23:35
Challenge time is over, take your time and finish the game off properly!
I'll still upload it to the workshop, later, whenever you're ready.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 21 Sep 2016, 09:12
Here's a little WIP to prove that it's working. The WIP even includes working wall-jumps now


I know it's buggy. It's a WIP. And an early one. Read the ReadMe.
Wed, 21 Sep 2016, 11:09
Poor little ninja got himself stuck!

Nice game, though. Once "finished" it could be rather a fun little challenge.
.. It was already a challenge getting over that .. um.. GreenLava?!

(*note : May be harder because I'm using a touchpad!)

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 21 Sep 2016, 12:03
That image is one of the reasons I wouldn't release it as anything other than a WIP. It's full of moments like that!

Yeah, I hope it is challenging - I've got some pretty evil plans

Even in this state I've had quite a lot of fun playing with what it can/can't do. There are some things it does that I didn't actually code for; I've left those in because they benefit the game and player.

There are a lot of things that don't work properly yet. Things that don't work at all and other things that I haven't even got around to implementing. As I don;t get a lot of coding time, I'm going to be plugging away at this for a while.

As it's pretty free-form, I expect a lot more issues to become apparent.

And yeah, a touchpad probably isn't anywhere near as fast or precise as a mouse. I NEVER use mine. Can't stand 'em.